Bruker Neo 600 MHz



N600 (1997, 2019)

Location: Room 190 of Physical Science I, (NMR Building)


Description of Bruker Neo 600 MHz Spectrometer:

80 MHz system clock with 12.5 ns synchronicity on all channels.
Timing and Gradient Control Unit (GTU) for 10 A high resolution NMR Z gradient amplifier, controlling the overall timing of system (all RF channels, gradients, real time pulses, triggers).

3 Transceiver Units providing full broad banded transmit and a full broad banded receive channel up to 1.2 GHz. Multi-receive ready.

Pulse program synchronization with up to 4 Trigger inputs at 12.5ns resolution (e.g. for high speed MAS rotor synchronization).
High performance and high power preamplifier system with 1H, 2H, BBF, 13C, and 15N preamplifier modules. Accurate tuning and matching with factory calibrated preamplifiers and fully integrated automatic tuning and matching (with liquid-state ATM probes).
Bruker SmartVT unit for temperature control.
Linear RF amplifiers (BLAH500, BLA2BB500).
BCU II unit for cooling of samples down to ca. -40 ºC.


Liquid-state probes:

TXI 1H{13C/15N} 5mm triple resonance indirect detection probe. (ATM)

BBO BBF-H-D-05 SmartProbe: 5 mm double resonance probe with 1H on one channel and Broadband (31P to 109Ag)/19F on the other channel, for direct and indirect detection experiments. Allows observation of 19F with 1H decoupling and performance of 2D 1H/19F spectroscopy. Temperature range -150 ºC to +150 ºC. (ATM)

Solid-state magic angle spinning probe:
Triple Resonance 13C/15N/1H Solid-State 3.2 mm MAS.