Varian Inova 400 MHz



I400 (console 1996, magnet 1989)

Location: Room 012 of Physical Science I





The Inova 400 has two full-band RF channels with linear amplifiers, waveform generatorspulsed field gradient capability, and  Millrock chiller for temperature control down to about -50 °C.  The I400 compliments the A400, being  available for long term scheduling for longer experiments, series of experiments, or variable temperature operation.

PROBE – newer
Varian OneNMR Probe, 1H-19F/15N-31P Z PFG for direct and indirect detection (-80 to 130°C) (2010)

PROBES – older (1996)
Nalorac 5-mm 1H{15N-31P} Z PFG Indirect Probe (60 gauss/cm gradient along the Z axis) 
Varian 5-mm 1H-19F/15N-31P Switchable Probe, VT (-150 to 150°C) 
Varian 5-mm 1H-19F/13C-31P Auto·nmr Probe, VT (-150 to 150°C) 
Varian 5-mm Solids CP-MAS Probe